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project management • training • consulting

Erfahrungsbericht einer Teilnehmerin

"Throughout the entire process of the first Bielefeld perpetrator-victim circle, the collaboration with Ms. Hirt was based on the shared, deep conviction that a safe, protected and accompanied discussion space for both groups can mean the chance for further development in the individual healing process or resocialization process. Our special thanks go to Ms. Hirt for the competent, warm, sensitive and respectful collaboration, combined with a clear and firm stance on the "Restorative Justice" approach."

Wulfert, director of the Bielefeld-Brackwede prison

A report by Rieka Herrmann
Contribution by Rieka Hermann (victim of a crime) on her participation in the restorative justice project led by Daniela Hirt.

Rieka Hermann | Film length 15 minutes

Rieka Hermann | Film length 15 minutes


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"Throughout the entire process of the first Bielefeld perpetrator-victim circle, the collaboration with Ms. Hirt was based on the shared, deep conviction that a safe, protected and accompanied discussion space for both groups can mean the chance for further development in the individual healing process or resocialization process. Our special thanks go to Ms. Hirt for the competent, warm, sensitive and respectful collaboration, combined with a clear and firm stance on the "Restorative Justice" approach."

Wulfert, director of the Bielefeld-Brackwede prison

“Daniela Hirt has been working for the entire Yoga Vidya association for several years as a consultant and trainer in the field of violence prevention. She is the contact person for affected employees, for the management level in conceptual updates and structural changes in the association in terms of violence prevention. We value her reliability and commitment, and the organization of her training courses allows us to see her expertise for ourselves time and time again.”

Narendra Gogo Hübner, Leitung YV Bad Meinberg

"I got to know Daniela Hirt during my scientific support of the pilot project "Victims and Perpetrators in Dialogue". As a social anthropologist who has dealt with issues of trauma, violence and social justice in Germany for many years, I would like to emphasize that experts like Daniela Hirt are needed to develop and expand restorative approaches. Her many years of experience, the ability to engage in critical self-reflection, her great competence in supervising groups, never losing sight of the individual people and their needs, and always creating a safe space and stability for those present, make up the great quality of her process-oriented work."

Dr. Judith Albrecht

"Daniela Hirt leads the project "When it gets too much at home - solution-oriented parenting and family counseling in difficult times (free and confidential)", a counseling service provided by the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers (VAMV) Lower Saxony Regional Association. When conflict situations escalate in the everyday lives of families, this can lead to problematic behavior. Daniela Hirt has developed a service that enables the affected parents to get support promptly, confidentially and free of charge. We find Ms. Hirt to be very professional in the conceptual collaboration and in the implementation of the project. She works in a goal- and needs-oriented manner. The feedback from the mothers and fathers who receive counseling is consistently very positive."

Lena Plog, State Managing Director, VAMV State Association of Lower Saxony eV

"As part of our project "Violence counseling for men with a migration background", Daniela Hirt conducted a training day for prospective violence counselors on "Body awareness and mindfulness". Body work in perpetrator work/violence counseling in the context of domestic violence is indispensable. With humor and a lot of specialist knowledge, Daniela managed to sensitize the participants to this and thus positively strengthen them in their work. We hope that Daniela will also support us in the next training session with her knowledge and expertise."

Mike Mottl, Managing Director mannebüro züri, Zurich / Switzerland

"Über den gesamten Prozess des ersten Bielefelder Täter – Opfer- Kreis war die Zusammenarbeit mit Frau Hirt von der gemeinsamen, tiefen Überzeugung getragen, dass ein sicherer, geschützter und begleiteter Gesprächsraum für beide Gruppen die Chance auf eine Weiterentwicklung im individuellen Heilungsprozess bzw. Resozialisierungsprozess bedeuten kann. Für die kompetente, herzlich einfühlsame und respektvolle Zusammenarbeit, kombiniert mit einer klaren und festen Haltung zum Ansatz „Restorative Justice“ gilt Frau Hirt unser besonderer Dank".

Wulfert, Anstaltsleiter der JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede

"I got to know Daniela Hirt during my scientific support of the pilot project "Victims and Perpetrators in Dialogue". As a social anthropologist who has dealt with issues of trauma, violence and social justice in Germany for many years, I would like to emphasize that experts like Daniela Hirt are needed to develop and expand restorative approaches. Her many years of experience, the ability to engage in critical self-reflection, her great competence in supervising groups, never losing sight of the individual people and their needs, and always creating a safe space and stability for those present, make up the great quality of her process-oriented work."

Dr. Judith Albrecht

A report by Rieka Herrmann
Contribution by Rieka Hermann (victim of a crime) on her participation in the restorative justice project led by Daniela Hirt.

Rieka Hermann | Filmlänge 15 Minuten

"As part of our project "Violence counseling for men with a migration background", Daniela Hirt conducted a training day for prospective violence counselors on "Body awareness and mindfulness". Body work in perpetrator work/violence counseling in the context of domestic violence is indispensable. With humor and a lot of specialist knowledge, Daniela managed to sensitize the participants to this and thus positively strengthen them in their work. We hope that Daniela will also support us in the next training session with her knowledge and expertise."

Mike Mottl, Managing Director mannebüro züri, Zurich / Switzerland

"I got to know Daniela Hirt during my scientific support of the pilot project "Victims and Perpetrators in Dialogue". As a social anthropologist who has dealt with issues of trauma, violence and social justice in Germany for many years, I would like to emphasize that experts like Daniela Hirt are needed to develop and expand restorative approaches. Her many years of experience, the ability to engage in critical self-reflection, her great competence in supervising groups, never losing sight of the individual people and their needs, and always creating a safe space and stability for those present, make up the great quality of her process-oriented work."

Dr. Judith Albrecht

"As a family-like residential group in the Wesermarsch region, we have been working constructively and closely with the specialist advisor Daniela Hirt for several years. Through regular conceptual work on child protection, specialist advice and training courses, we feel that we are receiving very professional advice from Ms. Hirt. We find Ms. Hirt's objective, professional, critical and open manner to be pleasant. In the training courses with her, for example on the topic of "child protection" or "domestic violence", the work was targeted, varied and solution-oriented and we were able to take a lot away with us."

Sandra Tiraei, facility manager at Hof Weidenblick

"Daniela Hirt has been working for the entire Yoga Vidya association for several years as a consultant and trainer in the field of violence prevention. She is the contact person for affected employees and for the management level for conceptual updates and structural changes in the association in the sense of violence prevention. We value her reliability and commitment and through the design of her training courses we can always be convinced of her professional competence."

Narendra Gogo Hübner, Director YV Bad Meinberg

"As part of our project "Violence counseling for men with a migration background", Daniela Hirt conducted a training day for prospective violence counselors on "Body awareness and mindfulness". Body work in perpetrator work/violence counseling in the context of domestic violence is indispensable. With humor and a lot of specialist knowledge, Daniela managed to sensitize the participants to this and thus positively strengthen them in their work. We hope that Daniela will also support us in the next training session with her knowledge and expertise."

Mike Mottl, Managing Director mannebüro züri, Zurich / Switzerland

"Daniela Hirt leads the project "When it gets too much at home - solution-oriented parenting and family counseling in difficult times (free and confidential)", a counseling service provided by the Association of Single Mothers and Fathers (VAMV) Lower Saxony Regional Association. When conflict situations escalate in the everyday lives of families, this can lead to problematic behavior. Daniela Hirt has developed a service that enables the affected parents to get support promptly, confidentially and free of charge. We find Ms. Hirt to be very professional in the conceptual collaboration and in the implementation of the project. She works in a goal- and needs-oriented manner. The feedback from the mothers and fathers who receive counseling is consistently very positive."

Lena Plog, State Managing Director, VAMV State Association of Lower Saxony eV

"As a family-like residential group in the Wesermarsch region, we have been working constructively and closely with the specialist advisor Daniela Hirt for several years. Through regular conceptual work on child protection, specialist advice and training courses, we feel that we are receiving very professional advice from Ms. Hirt. We find Ms. Hirt's objective, professional, critical and open manner to be pleasant. In the training courses with her, for example on the topic of "child protection" or "domestic violence", the work was targeted, varied and solution-oriented and we were able to take a lot away with us."

Sandra Tiraei, facility manager at Hof Weidenblick

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