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project management • training • consulting

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Newspaper article about the Restorative Justice project "Why do you murder? Victims and perpetrators come to the table in Bielefeld" Preliminary talks begin in the Bielefeld-Brackwede prison for th...

The project offers victims of crime the opportunity to be heard, to talk about what they have experienced and to express their feelings, needs and thoughts in a safe space. This involves a personal preliminary discussion before the actual discussion group is carefully prepared in five group sessions. The dialogue with the perpetrators then takes place on two dates in a protected setting. We then offer another meeting for follow-up. The offer is aimed at victims of all crimes in the area of fraud, violence and property crime.

If you have been affected by a crime and still have unanswered questions about the crime you experienced and/or you cannot get over the consequences of the crime (or know someone who does?) or you are simply interested in the project, please contact me at or my colleagues at the Bielefeld-Brackwede prison.

Ms. Verena Hanswillemenke Phone: 0521 4896 152 Mail: verena.hanswillemenke@jva-bielefeld

Ms. Sophie Maas Telephone: 0521 4896 229 Mail:


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