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Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-24 um 13.21.03.png

Just published: The specialist article in the Forum Strafvollzug, issue 1/2024 about a restorative dialogue in the Bielefeld-Brackwede prison based on the BoAS concept

The specialist article in the Forum Strafvollzug, issue 1/2024, on a restorative dialogue in the penal system based on the concept of "Affected Person-Oriented Work in the Penal System (BoAS)" in the Bielefeld-Brackwede correctional facility in North Rhine-Westphalia, which I wrote together with the senior social worker Mr. Rilli, has now been published. In this article, I explicitly address the "benefit" for all participants in the restorative justice project "Offender-Victim Circle". There are many other exciting articles to read in the issue.


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